75 Hard / Fitness · December 26, 2023

Level Up Your Life: Kickstart 2024 with the Live Hard Program

As we bid farewell to another year and welcome the fresh beginnings of 2024, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our goals and aspirations. For those seeking personal growth, mental toughness, and a transformative journey, the Live Hard Program offers an opportunity like no other.

I’ve been following Andy Frisella for the past three years, and let me tell you, his free Live Hard Program is no joke. It’s straight to the point and no-nonsense. Frisella doesn’t waste time with fluff or gimmicks. Instead, he gives you practical strategies and mindset shifts that can truly transform your life. Being part of the Live Hard community has been amazing, with like-minded individuals supporting and motivating each other on this journey of growth and success.

If you’re looking for a program that will push you to your limits and unlock your full potential, it’s the Live Hard Program. This program isn’t for the faint of heart, but if you’re willing to put in the work, the results will be extraordinary. With its no-nonsense approach and focus on discipline, mental toughness, and a growth mindset, the Live Hard Program will challenge you to break through barriers and achieve greatness in all aspects of your life.

It’s time to step out of your comfort zone, embrace the savage mindset, and unleash the savage thinker within you. Get ready to transform your life and become the best version of yourself with the Live Hard Program.

Keep reading, as I break out the full year with each phase and exactly what you need to do to complete the program. BTW, Andy just announced his new book that talks about this free program and is available for pre-order. (You don’t have to buy the book for the program).

The Benefits of Starting JANUARY 1st!

  1. Harnessing the Power of the New Year:

    January 1st symbolizes a clean slate, a chance to leave behind the past and embrace a future filled with possibilities. By choosing to embark on the Live Hard Program on this day, you align yourself with the collective energy of countless individuals setting intentions and resolutions for the year ahead. This shared momentum can fuel your motivation and provide a supportive environment for your personal growth journey.

  2. Building a Foundation for Self-Discipline

    The Live Hard Program is renowned for its emphasis on discipline and mental toughness. By starting on January 1st, you establish a strong foundation for self-discipline right from the beginning of the year. This sets the tone for the months to come, enabling you to cultivate habits and mindset that will carry you through challenges and propel you towards success in various aspects of your life.

  3. Utilizing the Momentum of Resolutions

    January is synonymous with resolutions, as people strive to make positive changes in their lives. By choosing to begin the Live Hard Program at this time, you tap into the collective consciousness focused on self-improvement. This shared commitment and energy can serve as a powerful motivator, keeping you accountable and inspired throughout the program’s stages.

  4. Maximizing the Potential of a Full Year

    Commencing the Live Hard Program on January 1st grants you the advantage of a full year to complete the program’s four stages. This ensures that you have ample time to experience the program’s transformative effects and integrate its principles into your daily life. By completing the program within a year, you solidify your commitment to personal growth and set the stage for continuous improvement in the years to come.

  5. Creating a Year-long Journey of Progress:

    The Live Hard Program is not a mere 30-day challenge but a year-long journey of self-discovery and growth. By starting on January 1st, you align the program’s stages with the natural progression of the year. Each phase becomes a stepping stone towards personal development, with the potential to unlock your full potential and transform your mindset, habits, and overall well-being.

Live Hard Outline

Here is an outline of the Live Hard Program for a full year:

75 HARD (Boot Camp)

Duration: 75 days

  • Tasks:
    • Follow a diet
    • Exercise twice a day for 45 minutes each (one workout must be outdoors). You must wait 3 hours in between workouts.
    • Drink a gallon of water daily.
    • Read 10 pages of a non-fiction, self-development book daily.
    • Take a progress picture daily.

Phase 1:

Duration: 30 days

  • Tasks:
    • Drink a gallon of water daily.
    • Read 10 pages of a non-fiction, self-development focused book daily (no audiobooks)
    • Complete 2, 45-minute workouts daily (one must be outdoors). You must wait 3 hours in between workouts.
    • Follow a diet (no alcohol or cheat meals).
    • Take a progress picture daily.
    • 5-Minute Cold Shower: Take a cold shower for 5 minutes daily. The water should be physically uncomfortable and cold.
    • 3 Extra Critical Power List Tasks: Complete 3 additional critical tasks that are not already part of your daily routine. These tasks should be important actions that contribute to your progress and goals.
    • 10 Minutes of Dedicated Visualization: Set aside 10 minutes daily for vividly visualizing your biggest dreams and goals. This is a form of focused visualization to bridge the gap between your current reality and your desired future.

It’s important to note that if you fail at any point during Phase 1, you will have to restart from Day 1 of Phase 1.

Additionally, after completing Phase 1, you must wait for at least 30 days before starting Phase 2!

Phase 2:

Duration: 30 days

  • Tasks:
    • Drink a gallon of water daily.
    • Read 10 pages of a non-fiction, self-development focused book daily.
    • Complete 2, 45-minute workouts daily (one must be outdoors). You must wait 3 hours in between workouts.
    • Follow a diet (no alcohol or cheat meals).
    • Take a progress picture daily.

Phase 2 consists of the same tasks as the initial 75 HARD challenge. The goal of this phase is to reinforce the habits and mindset developed in the previous stages, while emphasizing the importance of maintaining momentum.

It’s crucial to complete these tasks consistently throughout the 30-day duration of Phase 2. If you fail at any point during Phase 2, you will have to restart from Day 1 of Phase 2.

After completing Phase 2, you will be ready to move on to the fourth and final stage of the Live Hard Program.

Phase 3:

Duration: Last 30 days leading up to the anniversary of starting 75 HARD

  • Tasks:
    • Drink a gallon of water daily.
    • Read 10 pages of a non-fiction, self-development focused book daily.
    • Complete 2, 45-minute workouts daily (one must be outdoors). You must wait 3 hours in between workouts.
    • Follow a diet (no alcohol or cheat meals).
    • Take a progress picture daily.
    • 5-Minute Cold Shower.
    • 3 Extra Critical Power List Tasks.
    • Have a Conversation with a Stranger: Engage in a meaningful conversation with someone new, going beyond surface-level interactions.
    • Random Act of Kindness: Go out of your way to do something kind for someone else, such as paying for someone’s food, volunteering, or performing a thoughtful gesture.

Phase 3 must be completed in the last 30 days leading up to the anniversary of starting 75 HARD. If you are unable to start Phase 3 in time to align with the last 30 days of your year anniversary with 75 HARD, you will have to restart the Live Hard Program from Day 1 of 75 HARD. Additionally, if you fail at any point during Phase 3, you will have to restart the entire Live Hard Program.


Completing Phase 3 signifies the completion of the Live Hard Program. The program aims to transform your confidence, discipline, mental toughness, self-worth, self-esteem, and fortitude. By completing the program, you will experience personal growth and develop a mindset and skill set that can be applied to various areas of your life.

It’s important to note that the Live Hard Program is not intended to be a one-time endeavor. It is recommended to complete the program every year to continue progressing and maintain the skills and mindset developed through it.

So what is the exact full live hard schedule? If you start January 1, 2024:

75 Hard Bootcamp Schedule:

  • January 1, 2024: Start of 75 Hard Bootcamp
  • March 16, 2024: End of 75 Hard Bootcamp

Phase 1 Schedule: (Assuming you start right away, it is your choice)

  • March 16, 2024: Start of Phase 1
  • April 14, 2024: End of Phase 1

30 Days Off.

Phase 2 Schedule: (You can’t start this until 30 days after you completed Phase 1)

  • May 14, 2024: Start of Phase 2
  • June 12, 2024: End of Phase 2

You will have the rest of the year 5 months + until you start phase 3. You should be doing some kind of program here. You shouldn’t stop working out and doing some discipline here. I would do mini-phases here, but it doesn’t count until the official start of Phase 3.

Phase 3 Schedule: (You have to time this to end on January 1st)

  • December 3, 2024: Start of Phase 3
  • January 1, 2025: End of Phase 3

Please note that this revised schedule assumes a 75-day duration for the 75 Hard Bootcamp, followed by a 30-day duration for Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 3 will then start on December 3, 2024, and end on January 1, 2025, as requested. It is important to follow the guidelines and requirements of each phase, including specific workouts, nutrition plans, and mindset exercises. For accurate and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to the official sources or materials associated with the Live Hard Program.