Savage Living · November 23, 2021

Savage Living: Looking in the Rearview Mirror For Self Improvement

I still look in the rearview mirror, but I flipped the script of my thinking. I spend WAY more time looking through the windshield now more than ever now that I schedule out my days and my tasks are deliberate.  I don’t have time to Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda. By being so deliberate and focused, I just don’t have the free time in my head like I used to.

Savage Thought: When Looking in the rearview mirror, catch a quick peek of where you come from, but look forward.

In the past, I couldn’t let things go (and still do but less significantly). If you did me “dirty”, that’s it, you were on my sh!t list. I could not forgive you. I held on to it. I replayed “the incident” over and over and over.  What was it doing to me? Eating me alive. 

Now, if I do look in the rearview, it’s a quick peek and to catch myself before I jump down a rabbit hole.  Am I always able to achieve this new way of thinking? No, but it’s a new habit that is becoming ingrained as I practice it. 

I first try to understand what and why the person did me dirty if they even did do it. Most times, I made “the incident” out to be bigger than it was really.  I now try not to take things so personally and internalize them. 

When I do get the Woulda, Coulda, shoulda thoughts now, they aren’t as negative for me, but instead, I turn them into tweaks, or hacks to improve even if it is .0000000001%.